Digital Newspapers and Periodicals Library

The Brazilian Digital Newspapers and Periodicals Library is a portal of national periodicals that allows extensive consultation, through the Internet, to periodicals, magazines, yearbooks, bulletins and serial publications.

Researches can be carried through by title, period, edition, place of publication and word-key. The search for words is possible due to the use of Optical Character Recognition – OCR Technology, which increases the scope of literal research in periodicals.

With an entirely free access and the possibility to print the desired pages, researches from anywhere in the world can consult titles, which include since the first periodicals created in the country – such as the Correio Braziliense and the Gazeta do Rio de Janeiro, established in 1808 – to the extinct periodicals in the 20th century, as the Diário Carioca and Correio da Manhã, or the ones that no longer circulate in printed form, as the case of Jornal do Brasil.

Among the oldest and even rare publications of the 20th century there are, for example, O Espelho, Reverbero Constitutional Fluminense, O Jornal das Senhoras, O Homem de Cor, Marmota Fluminense, Semana Illustrada, A Vida Fluminense, O Mosquito, A República, Gazeta de Notícias, Revista Illustrada, O Besouro, O Abolicionista, Correio de S. Paulo, Correio do Povo, O Paiz, Diário de Notícias, and also the first periodicals of the Empire provinces.

Magazines of great importance from the 20th century can also be consulted, such as Careta, O Malho, O Gato, O Cruzeiro, Revista da Semana, Klaxon, Revista Verde, Guidelines and newspapers which strongly marked the press history in Brazil, as A Noite, Correio Paulistano, A Manhã and Última Hora. Scientific institutions’ periodicals compose a special segment of the heritage.