Heritage reproduction

Information about copying documents of the collection.

At the Brazilian National Library (BN), the heritage reproduction for research purposes is allowed, as a way to fulfill the mission of preserving the country’s bibliographical and documental memory.

The service of works reproduction from the general and special heritage is done through microfilming, electrostatic copy, photograph or filming, following the heritage reproduction rules. Photocopies are not allowed.

In case of proven research, the service may be requested through the Reproduction Request Form, against an advance payment. All the works are previously assessed   with regard to the general physical state of conservation for the purpose of authorizing consultation or any kind of reproduction.

In case the desired title is microfilmed, the consultation in microfilming reading machines or its reproduction will be allowed.


All the reprographic services will be charged according to the current price list.

Microfilming and electrostatic copy

Allowed for the entire heritage, respecting the identified cases in the General Rules.

Photography and filming

It must be authorized previously to its execution, through the user formal request, in the Reproduction Request Form, with a minimum of 24 hours in advance. Learn BN heritage reproduction rules.

Download files

Tabela de emolumentos, Acervo Geral

PDF icon Tabela de emolumentos, Acervo Geral19.07 KB
Documento traz informações sobre modalidades de reprodução do acervo, respectivos valores e prazos (quando aplicável). Este documento se aplica apenas a itens de acervo geral da Biblioteca Nacional.


PDF icon 403-reproduccion-del-acervo.pdf19 KB
Tabela de emolumentos, Acervo especial.