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Access to the technical catalogs of BN.

The Brazilian Nacional Library (BN) provides catalogues of names/entities Authorities, Terminology of subjects and the Brazilian Society of Authors (SBAT). All of them allow diverse types of search and contain instructions to facilitate the localization of the work.

Catalogue of Authority Names

Base formed by names of people, collective entities and events associated to the authorship work. It is the most complete list of Brazilian authors, reference for cataloging of works in the BN and consulted by professionals of diverse institutions.

Explore the catalog (Portuguese only)

Catalogue of Subject Terminology

Multidisciplinary list structuralized in form of Thesaurus. For each subject general terms are presented (TG), the specific terms (TE) and the related terms (TR). It covers topics, remissive to see, remissive also to see, beyond the general, chronological and geographic subdivisions.

Explore the catalog (Portuguese only)

Catalogue of the Brazilian Society of Authors - SBAT

The Catalogue of the Brazilian Society of Autores (SBAT) is a database formed by the dramatic works belonging to SBAT under the guard of the BN.

Explore the catalog (Portuguese only)