National Research Support Program - PNAP

The National Research Support Program - PNAP promotes the selection of researchers for the concession of scholarships, aiming to stimulate the production of original works developed from research in the National Library heritage, in any area of knowledge.

The Brazilian or foreign candidates can enroll themselves by means of an annually launched public notice, since they have as the object of research, pieces or collections of the National Library heritage (BN).

The Program stimulates the production of scientific works and creates chances for graduate and postgraduate students who wish to deepen their studies. Throughout 12 months, the contemplated scholars have support and monitoring from BN professional team and, in some cases, they publish their works through the National Library itself.

The researchers can carry out searches through the Internet at BNDigital and Digital Newspaper Library, or consult at BN, microfilmed works and documents from the entire heritage.

The National Research Support Program - PNAP was instituted by Decree 148, published in the Union Official Journal on September 9, 2004 section 1, P. 13