Reissue of historical work by Debret was supported by Biblioteca Nacional

Published on monday, june 13th, 2016.
iconografia, Jean-Baptiste Debret, desenho, artes plásticas
The Official Press of the State of São Paulo (Imesp), with support from Biblioteca Nacional, Museu Castro Maya and agencies of the Ministry of Culture, has just issued a re-edit of the masterpiece 'Picturesque and Historic Trip to Brazil' (1834-1839), by Jean-Baptiste Debret, considered by many as the most prominent component of the famous "French Artistic Mission" or "Artistic Mission 1816", according to historian Affonso d'Escragnolle Taunay, who was one of the first to study it.


Jean-Baptiste DEBRET (des.) Thierry FRÈRES (lit.) Enterrement d'une femme nègre, segundo desenho de Debret [Enterro de mulher negra] Litogravura aquarelada.
Jean-Baptiste DEBRET (des.) Thierry FRÈRES (lit.) Enterrement d'une femme nègre, segundo desenho de Debret [Enterro de mulher negra] Litogravura aquarelada.

Painter, set designer and professor of historical painting at the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts, Debret portrayed the Brazilian Royal Family, as well as registered major political events, such as "Acclamation of D. João VI" and the "Coronation of King Pedro I", designed crowns, honorary orders, scepters and coins, and created scenarios for the festivities and official theaters; but it was as fine and free documentary that revealed, for both Europe and Brazil, the new nation with its particularities, mixed-race and contrasts.

According to Lygia Cunha, a leading expert of Biblioteca Nacional in the Brazilian iconographic collection of the nineteenth-century, during his 15 years in Brazil, Debret produced an extensive and remarkable documentary about customs, sights and historical events in the country. Picturesque and Historic Trip to Brazil was published after he returned to France on July 25th, 1831, "with a palette deeply influenced by Brazilian nature."

The reissue launched by Imesp - the first made from the original lithographs - was organized by the French philosopher and sociologist Jacques Leenhardt, who was also responsible for the first edition of the book in France, published last year. He is also the author of the study "A cross look on construction of the Brazilian nation", which accompanies the work.

With 652 pages, this edition is the first made in Brazil in a single volume.

According to Imesp, the book may be purchased online or on bookstores in the main capitals of the country.

Jean-Baptiste DEBRET (des.) Thierry FRÈRES (lit.) Enterrement d'une femme nègre, segundo desenho de Debret [Enterro de mulher negra] Litogravura aquarelada.
Jean-Baptiste DEBRET (des.) Thierry FRÈRES (lit.) Le vieillard convalescent [O velho convalescente], 1835 Litogravura aquarelada.
Jean-Baptiste DEBRET (des.) Thierry FRÈRES (lit.) Brulement de l'effigie du juda: le Samedi Saint, 1835 [Malhação do Judas no sábado de Aleluia] Litogravura aquarelada.